Installed the Open Conference system We have completed registration settings for 3 current conferences. Hyperlink REGISTRATION for one Conference works, for others not. What’s the matter?
Hi @tanya,
When you say the link does not work, what do you mean? Does it appear but not function, or does it not appear?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi to all, same problem here. The link does exist but not functioning. Any suggestions?
Hi @toygar_akar,
When you say the link does not work, what do you mean? What happens when you click it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The registration link attemps to open registration page (http://*******/schedConf/registration), it fails then redirects to homepage
Hi @toygar_akar,
Have you configured payments in Conference Setup? Visit that form and ensure that all required fields are filled.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec, problem solved.
Thanks, this solved also the similar problem I had.
Finally a solution after 2 hours fiddling back and forth, tried everything just to make registration types appears after clicking the “Registration” link. A simple warning message would be suffice to let us the admins know that Registration needs payment information instead of redirection to the homepage.
Hi @riefvan,
I understand this is a point of frustration. It’s been improved in OJS and OMP, but unfortunately we’re not actively maintaining OCS at the moment, so the problem remains.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team