Hi all
I need obtain this metadata from database in a range of dates to a magazine
• Authors (names and surnames)
• Institutional affiliation
• Country
• article title
• keywords
• JEL Classification
• language
somebody could help me with this, thanks for the help
Which version of OJS are you working with? The database structure changes between 2.x and 3.x with respect to articles/submissions.
If you are familiar with XSLT, you could use any version of OJS to export the Articles and Issues in Native XML format, and then transform the export to limit to just the fields you want.
Hi ctgraham
The version is the
In 2.4.8-1, you can find the author information in the table authors
, including authors.first_name
and authors.last_name
, authors.country
. This joins the author_settings
table using author_id
. In author_settings.affiliation
, you can find the institutional affiliation; note that author_settings
is keyed on the chosen locale via author_settings.locale
The table articles
can be joined in via articles.article_id
to authors.submission_id
. In that table, you’ll find the articles.locale
and articles.language
, which will be populated to various degrees depending on your user’s input.
The article’s keywords and classification will probably be in the article_settings
table, joined using article_id
, in the article_settings.setting_value
keyed against article_settings.setting_name
and article_settings.locale
. Your setting_name
s will depend on your configuration, but my guess would be “subject” and “discipline”.
Thank you very much ctgraham for your help