Hi, everyone
I have a journal on an OJS 3.1.2, and recently got a message from Dialnet telling that they have been unable to take the journals data through OAI, they think there is a problem with page numeration.
I checked out the service using OAI-PMH tool, and I got some errors
All I got from PHP errors log are some warnings:
PHP Warning: Declaration of DRIVERDAO::setOAI(&$oai) should be compatible with PKPOAIDAO::setOAI($oai) in …/plugins/generic/driver/DRIVERDAO.inc.php on line 19
PHP Warning: Declaration of CustomBlockPlugin::getBlockContext() should be compatible with BlockPlugin::getBlockContext($contextId = NULL) in …/plugins/generic/customBlockManager/CustomBlockPlugin.inc.php on line 134
PHP Warning: Declaration of JournalOAI::sets($offset, $limit, &$total) should be compatible with OAI::sets($offset, &$total) in …/classes/oai/ojs/JournalOAI.inc.php on line 230
PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPRequest::getSite() should not be called statically in …/classes/oai/ojs/JournalOAI.inc.php on line 42
PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPRequest::_checkThis() should not be called statically in …/lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPRequest.inc.php on line 529
PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Request::getJournal() should not be called statically in …/classes/oai/ojs/JournalOAI.inc.php on line 43
I already try some of the advices i found in similar posts, but it didn’t work. Any ideas on how can I fix this problem?
Thank you in advance.