shows records. However, the “Date” field in all records have this date “2006-06-19” ( ), which is no correct. Where does OJS’s OAI-PMH code pull this date from? Looks like from database table article field “date_submitted”. However, “date_submitted” does not mean article was published on this date.
There is also a field “citation_date”. These two values can be different.
That data comes from the published_articles.date_published field. If the data there is not correct, can you describe how you entered your content into the system?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
At the regular webpage source, citation_date is “2011”. (Google scholar use this field for indexing)
So questions here:
for OAI “Date” and webpage “DC.Date.modified” and “DC.Date.issued”, if published_articles.date_publisher is NULL, then use articles.date_status_modified?
It seems to me that unless an article is submitted/published on the same month of the original issue. The “date” or “citation_date” can be incorrect?
OAI “Date” can be different from webpage’s “Citation_date”. Which table does “citation_date” gets data from?
The Google Scholar citation_date might be sourced from a number of different places – the published_articles.date_published if available, or issue year, or issues.date_published. Both of the referenced columns are set automatically during normal workflow, so if you used the normal workflow to enter back-issue content, then it’s likely that these are set incorrectly. It is possible to set them from the UI but if you have a lot of content the quickest thing to do is probably to go in via a tool like phpMyAdmin and correct them in the database.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The issue publication date can be corrected from:
Issues > Back Issues > Edit (on the issue you wish to correct)
Go to the “Issue Data” tab, and you should see a “Date Published” field.
The article publication date can be corrected from the submission’s workflow pages:
Production > Schedule for Publication
You should see a field there called “Published”.
Both the XML import process and the Quick Submit plugin will take care of setting these dates more flexibly, so those processes are recommended for back-issue imports.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team