Hi when i register oai, l get this error
Checking GetRecord response
REQUEST http://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/engscnc/oai?verb=GetRecord&identifier=oai%3Aoai.journal.tishreen.edu.sy%3Aarticle/11&metadataPrefix=oai_dc GET
FAIL Server failed to respond to the GetRecord request (HTTP header values: status=500 Internal Server Error, age=1, lifetime=3600, is fresh:=1)
FAIL Can’t complete datestamp check for GetRecord
FAIL ABORT: Can’t complete datestamp check for GetRecord
Have you any idea who to fix this
Hi @amirtfiha1,
It looks like that link is working – have you resolved the issue?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Regards @asmecher
I use
UPDATE filter_groups SET input_type = ‘class::classes.submission.Submission’ WHERE input_type = ‘class::classes.article.Article’;
It resolve a bit of the problem, and i faced another one it is
I get
The request could not be completed due to the following error or errors.
Error Code noRecordsMatch
Can’t parse malformed XML in response to ListRecords request.
Any help please
Hi @amirtfiha1,
I don’t see that response when I follow the link – I get the expected:
No matching records in this repository
Have you been able to resolve the issue since posting?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Regards @asmecher
When i validate i get the error as in the picture

So it is look like fail
Could you please help
Best wishes
Hi @amirtfiha1,
This appears to be the same issue as reported at [OJS 3.2.1-1]: OAI earliestDatestamp problem - #4 by asmecher – could you follow up there?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team