I installed OJS 2.4.6 a week ago. I have enabled checkbox “Enable this journal to appear publicly on the site” but it doesn’t run.
The OAI returns nothing:
The config.inc.php is correctly and, so, I can’t generate the metadata xml.
I have uploaded all the papers with the plugin “quicksubmit”.
Ergo, repositories like Worldcat said:
Error: Not all required tests passed, you cannot add this repository.
SUCCESS: Testing URL Uniqueness
SUCCESS: Testing URL Validity
SUCCESS: Testing Availability
SUCCESS: Testing OAI Support
SUCCESS: Testing DC Format Support
UNSUPPORTED: Testing OCLC DC Format Support
SUCCESS: Testing List Sets
SUCCESS: Testing Set Uniqueness
FAILED: Testing List Records
SKIPPED: Testing Actionable URL Identifier
Actually I don’t know what I have to do. I’m self-taught person and without computing knowledge that arrive to this point in which I don’t know how to continue. I’m locked.
There are a lot of potential problems that might be involved here. It sounds like you’ve already checked the obvious ones, but the remaining ones will require some exploring, particularly in the database. Your host may provide access to a tool like phpMyAdmin that permits database access via a web interface.
First, check to make sure that the mutex table contains records.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The mutex table should always have fixed content, described in pkp-lib/mutexData.xml at ojs-dev-2_4 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub – it’s an SQL trick used to support UNION queries without actually using UNION for the sake of older versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL. You can easily create the data there manually using something like phpMyAdmin or run the script to create it:
However, if that table is empty, I suspect it means that the installation or an upgrade wasn’t completed successfully. Other data might be missing or incomplete. Did you get a message when you installed saying that the installation completed successfully?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
BTW, first installation failed because a plugin was wrongly uploaded and crashed.
We remove DB content and upload the missing files and second one worked like a charm (with the “completed successfully” final message).
OT: I miss something in this forum… Would be nice to flag content as “solved” don’t you think?
I can not export the metadata via OAI-PMH, and a colleague gave me the link of this page and ran the command: “php tools / dbXMLtoSQL.php -data run lib / pkp / xml / mutexData.xml” and now the following message appears error: "Fatal error: Call to a member function getProperties () on a non-object in / home / storage / f / e9 / 25 / paulorodrigues1 / public_html / ojs / ijmp / lib / pkp / plugins / oaiMetadataFormats / dc / PKPOAIMetadataFormat_DC.inc.php on line 31 ". Could you help me solve? I am using the OJS- version.
That command line doesn’t look right to me – the -data run should be -data execute, I think – but before you run it again, can you describe the problem you were initially trying to resolve with that command?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I was having trouble exporting metadata via OAI-PMH, and a colleague spent the link to the page that had this command. After running this command, the system began to show the records, but not in detail shows the metadata of the journal or articles. Introducing the above error.
The data presented is: i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
In addition to the Mutex table, which other tables that OAI, references?
I’m finding that any further reference is not correct.
That data is correct – no need to worry about the mutex table any more.
Is it possible that your installation was partially upgraded? It sounds to me like some of the metadata plugins might not be properly registered with the system.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
OK, that’s the problem – your metadata format plugins aren’t registered with the system. Start by ensuring that they exist in your installation by checking the contents of plugins/metadata/ against the files in the distribution package for your version of OJS (2.4.8-1). If you find that files are missing there, put them in place, then run the upgrade script (php tools/upgrade.php upgrade) to register the plugins. Make sure you take a backup before doing this, just in case.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team