Hi. I’m using OJS 2.4.8.
Emails are not working from the platform. Example: when I create new user account, it doesn’t send the email of confirmation.
Also when editors assign isues to the revisors, they don’t receive the email.
Neither to the author when a paper is accepted.
Can someone help me out?
Hi! Thank you for your help!
How do I check the logs?
Hi @MarianaR,
That will depend on how your server is set up; if you’re not sure, I’d suggest contacting your host.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
2016-05-11 19:54:22 [39440] 1b0YKw-000AG8-1V F=comgabitoria@r8-amsterdam.webserversystems.com rejected by non-SMTP ACL: Sorry, this message has been identified as SPAM (5.1).
After checking the server logs it seems that its sending these emails using PHPmail and these are being rejected by the local email scanner.
The host provider said that in order to fix this issue, I will need to enable SMTP authentication and send these emails using a valid email address under my domain.
I know I can do so by editing my config.inc.php file under this section:
; Email Settings ;
Do you know what I need to change?
Hi @MarianaR,
Unfortunately that will depend on your server’s configuration. There’s an example for gmail on our wiki that you might be able to adapt.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The email that I am using is on my domain. sims@publishing.gabitoria.com
The journal is on http://publishing.gabitoria.com/journals
I don’t understand why this is such a big BUG. Because it shouldn’t be this hard to make the emails work.
This is the code on my config.inc.php file
; Email Settings ;
; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
; smtp = On
; SMTP server settings
; smtp_server = mail.example.com
; smtp_port = 25
; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported mechanisms: PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, and DIGEST-MD5
; smtp_auth = PLAIN
; smtp_username = username
; smtp_password = password
; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
; allow_envelope_sender = Off
; Default envelope sender to use if none is specified elsewhere
; default_envelope_sender = my_address@my_host.com
; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide noreply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
; force_default_envelope_sender = Off
; Enable attachments in the various “Send Email” pages.
; (Disabling here will not disable attachments on features that
; require them, e.g. attachment-based reviews)
enable_attachments = On
; Amount of time required between attempts to send non-editorial emails
; in seconds. This can be used to help prevent email relaying via OJS.
time_between_emails = 3600
; Maximum number of recipients that can be included in a single email
; (either as To:, Cc:, or Bcc: addresses) for a non-priveleged user
max_recipients = 10
; If enabled, email addresses must be validated before login is possible.
require_validation = Off
; Maximum number of days before an unvalidated account expires and is deleted
validation_timeout = 14`
Hi @MarianaR,
This isn’t a bug – mail is normally delivered in one of two ways, either by local MTA (mail transport agent), or by SMTP. When the SMTP settings are disabled, the local MTA is used, which I think is the problematic configuration you’ve been using. If your host wants you to use SMTP, you need to specify your SMTP configuration in the configuration file. This is how other applications such as Wordpress work as well.
Which configuration you use will depend on your server’s mail configuration.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
In wordpress I can create accounts, I can use plugins and the emails always work fine.
I’ve installed the OJS and I didn’t change anything either in my emails or in any OJS file or configuration, yet the email isn’t working. If I creat an account, it doesn’t send the email. If I submit a paper and send some revision, it doesn’t send an email. That’s why I think it’s a bug and I’m not understanding why it isn’t working or how can I make it work
Hi @MarianaR,
Your Wordpress installation is probably already configured to use SMTP. I’d suggest getting the SMTP configuration from Wordpress and then using those settings in your OJS configuration file.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Just wanted to know whether your mailing problem is solved.
I am also having the same problem after upgrading to 2.4.8. It was working fine earlier.
By the way, your journal registration page does not have any captcha enabled. This could lead to bulk junk registrations.
How to stop the bulk junk registration??
How to stop the bulk junk registration??
What should be the user name if you are using more then one journal? and what should be the password?
Add each username and password in configure file
I have made few changes in my config files and now it is working. Suppose your host is abc
Email Settings
Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
smtp = On
SMTP server settings
smtp_server = mail.abc.com
smtp_port = 25
Force the default envelope sender (if present)
This is useful if setting up a site-wide noreply address
The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
force_default_envelope_sender = Off
Enable SMTP authentication
Supported mechanisms: PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, and DIGEST-MD5
smtp_auth = PLAIN
smtp_username = user@abc.com
smtp_password = xxxxxxxxx
It is working for me
Hi @sam,
Could you post questions one per thread, rather than adding several to this (old) thread? That’ll help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Accept my apologies and I will be more careful next time. I am using OJS version 2.4.8 and can I use or modified the theme available in the journals or I should create a new one. Please advised as necessary.
Hi @sam,
That question isn’t relevant to this thread (“Not sending email”) – could you post it as a new topic?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
A forum link for this is here
Please have a look and if you have problems I can try to help.
By the way, it would be good to raise a separate post for this. You can even continue in the post I have linked above.