Hi! the look of my journal is not properly displayed such as download section.
This is how it looks. Please help.
What version of OJS are you using, and when did the change to the display happen (any updates or customization)?
You’ll generally find the explanation for display layout in your CSS. Use the web inspector tool (press F12 in your browser) to see how the elements interact with each other.
@Ctgraham! this is my website.
Could you please see it?
Have you intentionally made changes to the OJS files? Your file styles/common.css is not the version delivered with OJS 2.4.8.-1:
Hi Ctgraham@ Thank you very much for your comment.
I haven’t changed anything.
So, what is your suggestion? I have asked our IT guy to install a new or most updated ojs, but it seems that he is not much familiar with the program. Do you think that reinstalling the version will help?
Yes, if you have not intentionally made changes to the OJS files, I would suggest walking through the “Full Package Upgrade” process.
This will ensure all of your files are in-line with the unmodified source.
@ctgraham! Thank you very much. Our It has installed a new one and i am now developing it from a scratch with new updated version. Thanks. And, i am now trying to put a new plugin for some payment. If you have any idea, please share with me again.
I would suggest starting with one of the existing payment plugins:
Copy it to a new paymethod plugin, and modify the references to the original plugin.
Post a new topic to this forum with a link to your code as your are working on it with any questions you may have in development.
Thank you so much. You are great.