Like vmarinj in Oct '16, we are having the same problem.
I have been trying to register all the articles of a journal in OJS through the Exportation plugin of CrossRef XML.
We have checked the username and password for CrossRef and it seems that everything is ok… Actually, we’ve being using this Crossref plugin and the XML exportation for weeks and it was working perfectly well. It suddenly stop working.
It says the following:
No se pudo realizar el registro. El servidor de registro DOI ha devuelto un error: ‘No response from server.’. (The register could not be done. The server of the DOI register has given an error: No response from server).
I have also tried to export the XML for all the articles with the plugin but it shows a white screen. It seems that it has nothing to do with the amount of articles, because I have also tried only checking one or few articles each time.
Any solution? We don’t feel confortable writting code at all.
Thank you very much.