I just want to double check if there is any way to have the stats numbers ongoing after the upgrade. The old stats are available in View Reports. However anywhere else the counts are reset. Our journal managers are very keen to have the numbers rising instead of being reset in the new version. We upgraded from 2.3.7 to 2.4.6.
Sorry about that. I didn’t get an exact answer before. It was urgent for our journal as we already have upgraded and it has gone live. I just had to give an update to the journal manager.
I tried to reprocess the log files in archive folder however the log files were all created after the upgrade. I tried moving our Apache access files into stage folder. The file name formats are YYYYMMDD-access.log. However they go instantly into reject folder. The email notifications go to one our editors instead of the site admin email. She is the one who created the Google Analytics. I don’t know how to make the emails direct to admin email which I have access.
The stats should be working by default, with no problem. But it seems you’re not getting the numbers you expect, so we can try to help to debug it. But a lot of information you need is provided in that doc for this. For example, the processing of external log files (apache ones, for example) need a different usage stats configuration. Without that they will always be reject, as you said they were (at least this is working fine in your system).
Let’s keep working on your problem in the previous topics ok?