No obtain a list of articles of CrossRef XML Export Plugin

I used version

When i try to export xml file with CrossRef XML Export Plugin, there are no obtain a list of articles

This is error message

View in rendered output by enabling the “displayErrorDetails” setting.

[04-Mar-2021 00:44:37 UTC] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[04-Mar-2021 00:44:56 UTC] ojs2: 404 Not Found

[10-Mar-2021 22:28:00 UTC] ojs2: No objects selected.
[10-Mar-2021 22:28:17 UTC] ojs2: No objects selected.

Screenshot (28)


Hi @Heri_Heriyanto,

I checked the Ulumul Syar'i : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah and it looks like there are no articles with defined DOI, so nothing to be available for the plugin. The mentioned list contains only the articles that have DOI and are published.

Regards, Primož

So, what can i do to fix the problem ?

Hi @Heri_Heriyanto,

you have to specify the DOIs for the published articles. Maybe you can read the doc about that: Using DOIs and the DOI Plugin

Regards, Primož

Ok, thankyou. i am understand now how to show the list of article.