i install ojs3.0.1.0 and the error no file uploaded or invalid file type when upload the logo and homepage image , Journal Favicon and Journal thumbnail but if load image in Page Footer and Additional Content work fine
i read all Questions in same error and i check cpanal for MIME type and extension and find the jpg in the System MIME Types and try other type and same problem
use lunix server
i use console for chrome and show
Uncaught Error: Row with id usageeventplugin not found!
at proxyConstructor.$.pkp.controllers.grid.GridHandler.resequenceRows (GridHandler.js:368)
at proxyConstructor.$.pkp.controllers.grid.GridHandler.replaceElementResponseHandler (GridHandler.js:754)
at Object.success (Handler.js:268)
at j (jquery.min.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2)
at x (jquery.min.js:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.b (jquery.min.js:4)
in the page of apperance
and after make error =on in config.ini.php in console for chrome
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse ()
at Function.n.parseJSON (jquery.min.js:4)
at proxyConstructor.$.pkp.controllers.UploaderHandler.uploadComplete (UploaderHandler.js:167)
at o.Uploader. (Handler.js:268)
at o.Uploader.dispatchEvent (plupload.full.min.js:29)
at o.Uploader.trigger (plupload.full.min.js:13)
at f.m.onload (plupload.full.min.js:29)
at f. (plupload.full.min.js:13)
at Array. (plupload.full.min.js:13)
at i (plupload.full.min.js:13)
what can i do now
There is no error setting in config.inc.php. Could you check what you set?
Search for the “No file uploaded or invalid file type” message in this forum – there are lots of threads describing how to go about configuring your system to resolve it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
hi, thank you
as mention above
i read the thread have the same name and i check the MIME type and extension and no problem in folder permission because i can upload image in jpg in Page Footer and Additional Content
and mime_database_path = /etc/magic.mime is the correct path in the server
and found the upload image from Page Footer and Additional Content in website setting–>apperace in
i use Linux hosting
and may be can know or see one have the same problem some link work and can upload and other not
please give me the next step with best wishes
Probably you will need enable PDF mime type to upload in your windows server settings (how server handle different files type). You will need to ask to your IT staff to do so.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Check your server log error (or ask to your IT staff either) and verify what message shows up about this action.
Also search for the “No file uploaded or invalid file type” message in this forum – there are lots of threads describing how to go about configuring your system to resolve it.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
I get this error in responce <h1>DB Error: Field 'file_id' doesn't have a default value</h1><script src="/cdn-cgi/apps/head/1dipVnQI2qSc3pK1UmeyX0eyUt0.js"></script>
working fine now. It was because of incomplete import of DB using phpmyadmin. I ignored error because all rows were imported but realized later that part of import queries were not executed.
The file_info functions need to be enabled in your PHP configuration. I’d suggest looking e.g. at StackOverflow.com for more information. (I see you’re also discussing the same issue on this other thread – generally it’s better just to post in one place.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team