When i’m clicking the e-mail symbol inviting a reviewer by email in the review section, the heading from the template apears but no text in the body of that email. We are using the latest version of OJS. Any ideas anyone?
Best wishes, Pelle ;-))
When i’m clicking the e-mail symbol inviting a reviewer by email in the review section, the heading from the template apears but no text in the body of that email. We are using the latest version of OJS. Any ideas anyone?
Best wishes, Pelle ;-))
Hi @Pelle67,
What language are you using? When you go into the Journal Manager’s “Prepared Emails” area, do you see a translation for that language?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec
Thx for getting back to me, A couple of hours ago I finally figured it out.
We were running I upgraded OJS to the latest stable release but still the problem of that one post occured. In the Prepered Emails Area, I narrowed it down to the articleTitle code.
The problem was actually a “-” in the title of the latest submission ;-/// Probably som copy/past thing from word which stored it as something malicious…
It might be in good use, and I’m sure the code filter for wrong charachters in fields like that.
Again thanks for getting back to me, case closed ;-))
Pelle ;-))
Hi @Pelle67,
Hmm, strange – OJS should be able to handle dashes (-). I wonder if something outside OJS is filtering your requests (e.g. something like mod_security for Apache). If you run into this again, can you check your server’s error log? More details are welcome.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team