New version of the Slider Home Plugin for OJS/OMP 3.3 available

Hi @ronste1

I had installed the multilingual on our test platform (with some minor struggles) and it works.


  • For an older version, the slider table in the OJS database must first be dropped manually and the upgrade process must then be carried out for the new installation. As well as the version rows in the versions table and plugin_settings rows in the plugin_settings_table must be removed. Otherwise the plugin crashes.
  • In order that the HTML test is overlayed over the image, it must be enclosed in a <div id="slider-text" class="slider-text"></div> element. If one enters text in the TinyMCE Web editor, this may be easily removed without user’s notice. Maybe the plugin itself should add this element (or there should be a setting “overlay” that can be ticked).

You will receive a few locale translations (.po files) in fr_FR, it_IT, es_ES and maybe pt_PT, ro_RO in due time via pull request.

Hi @mpbraendle ,

I’m surprised the slider tables are not removed during installation because I included appropriate statements in the upgrade script.

Did you execute ‘php lib/pkp/installPluginVersion.php plugins/generic/sliderHome/version.xml’ after switching the branch?

P.S.: I adjusted the code, the slider-text div will now be added internally.

Hi @ronste1
Is there any way to make this plugin work in the block area ?


Hi @Daniel_Haro ,

not without significant additions to the plugin code. Essentially this would be a completely new feature for the plugin.

What would be your use case? There isn’t much space in the sidebar for an image slider.

Best wishes,

I need to insert a set of logos, each one inside a link tag… something like this:
In this example I’m adding the Slick.js library in a .tpl file of my theme template, and then using the Custom Block Manager to add the images and html struture, but i need an easier way to add or edit slides, so anyone could do it, not just developers or designers.

Best wishes,

Hi @Daniel_Haro ,

your use case looks quite interesting to me. One would have to copy the slider code into an OJS Block-Plugin which would be a part of the slider plugin. The general plugin structure would be comparable to the Shariff plugin which also provides an optional sidebar block.

In addtion one woud probably have to adjust the slider settings (scaling of images) in the sidebar.
And one would have to think about whether this sidebar slider and the home screen slider would be mutually exclusive or not. If one would want the option to have both an additional set of slider settings / slider image table would be required.

It can certainly be done but wouldn’t be a small project. Unfortunately I currently don’t have the time to work on such a project.

Of course, you would be welcome to contribute if you have the time to work on it.

Best wishes,

I am unable to activate the plugin on OJS v3.4.0.1, once activated; OJS crashes, I’ve already tried all above mentioned method in the discussion which are relevant to my case; I am wondering plugin is compatible with v3.4 or not?

Hi @safahar ,

the latest version published was tested with OJS 3.3 only. It is not supposed to be compatible with OJS 3.4. I am currently working on the upgrade for OJS 3.4 and it should be availbale soon. I will annouce the release of the new version in the forum.

Best wishes,

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Hi @pmkisanlist ,

as mentioned above a version for OJS 3.3 is available for some time already: see here.

I am currently working on an OJS 3.4 version. There is a (hopefully) stable branch already. However, I’m still working on some imporvements for the backend and adjusments to new OJS coding styles. The offical release will still take some time.

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