I need attach a document with “terms of service” in registration form. How i can do this? Is any simple way like a “via plugin”? Thank You,
I need attach a document with “terms of service” in registration form. How i can do this? Is any simple way like a “via plugin”? Thank You,
Hi @karol,
This will require some coding on your php files. The following post - [OJS]Affiliation as a required field - #4 by asmecher may give you some idea of what is involved with adding this field in your registration.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Hi Patricia,
thank You, how it look in ojs 3.x?
Hi @karol,
To add new fields in the registration form for OJS 3. It will again require some coding. Please refer to the following post - Add new field to registration form - #3 by amirhosein for reference.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern