What release of OJS are you using? (Please include this with your posts.)
We don’t currently have a comprehensive solution to this, and for the moment we recommend using the Section Editor role (rather than Editor/Journal Manager) as it only permits access to submissions to which the user has been assigned. However, if this is to be your editor in chief, that may not be a good work-around.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
However, this is a problem that can not be solved 100%. There are always loopholes that an editor can use simply because the editor can use functions like “login as” or create new user accounts (for example a new editor account).
The complete solution would probably need some major changes to the whole OJS software, but the bottom line is, I think, that you almost always need an user account that can do anything. This is one suggestion on how to solve this: New role (permission level) to to solve a central problem in OJS
I will check the forum post and your plugin. There is always a reliance on the editor to act in good faith not use their position to violate the double-blind requirements, but this problem in OJS pushes that expectation a little harder.