We are using OJS 3.1.2. The following message shows for several months: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
Thanks in advance.
We are using OJS 3.1.2. The following message shows for several months: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the wrong subject. It should be: Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
Hello @acad-pub,
You may want to check out what to do here:
How long ago did you enable the PKP PN plugin? It often takes a while to populate.
Also: OJS 3.1, while technically compatible with the PKP PN, is quite outdated. I would strongly recommend upgrading your OJS to a later version when you can.
PKP Team
Hi Roger,
Thanks for your reply. I enabled the PKP PN plugin on February 29. Could you help me?
By the way, OJS 3.1.2 is stable, so we have no plan to upgrade the OJS at this time.
Best regards,
Hi @acad-pub,
I’m paging my colleague @jonasraoni here who administers much with the PKP PN, he may be able to speak to this further.
PKP Team
Hi @acad-pub, please, take a look if it’s showing the same status now.
Regarding the OJS version, here you can see which versions we’re giving support (actively fixing problems): Security Policy · pkp/ojs · GitHub, 3.1 isn’t receiving support since 2022.
Jonas Raoni
Hi @acad-pub,
Just to add in to what Roger and Jonas said about upgrading – beyond not receiving security updates, you’ll find that the integrations built into OJS 3.1 will eventually stop working, if they haven’t already. Third parties like CrossRef, ORCiD, etc. update their APIs over time and will require you to run software that stays current as well. The longer you delay upgrading, the harder it’ll be. I’d recommend working on an upgrade to 3.3.0-x (the current Long Term Support version).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Jonas,
Thanks for your help. The status has now changed. It shows: Network Status: The PKP PLN can accept deposits from this journal.
However, I can see no issues to be deposited. We have published several issues. What’s wrong?
Hi Alec,
We will carefully consider your suggestion. Thank you for sharing the information.
The PKP PN plugin and its dependencies had a couple of problems. I searched for all problems that people had in the forum and fixed most of them, but the fixes are available only for OJS >= 3.3.0.
With that being said, perhaps you just have a light issue… The plugin has a scheduled task that runs once per day, so you should be able to see its execution log at the folder: {$files_dir}/scheduledTaskLogs
, the filename starts with PKPPNDepositorTask
Share the content of the latest one and also entries from your server’s error log (the entries from yesterday should be enough).
If you can’t find the log for the task, it means that it’s not running. Then are you using the Acron plugin or an OS scheduler like CRON
? If you’re using the Acron plugin, then you can try to reload the tasks assigned to it (see image below).
Jonas Raoni
Dear Jonas,
Thank you very much. We did not find any logs for the task. So we clicked “Reload Scheduled Tasks” as per your instructions. When can we expect to find an update in PKP status after we took the action?
Look forward to your reply.
Great, the task is expected to run once per day, so you should see something on the next day.
Hi Jonas,
Although we clicked “Reload Scheduled Tasks”, there is still no log for the task. What else can we do?
You can share with me the error log of the server, the entries from yesterday should be enough, perhaps there’s an error happening there.
Jonas Raoni
Hi Jonas,
I sent the error log to you via email. Please check if you receive it. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
I didn’t receive anything, if you enter on my profile (https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/u/jonasraoni), there should be a button to send a private message.
Jonas Raoni
Hi Jonas,
The error log is too long. Is it OK that I paste them by sending you a private message?
According to the log, looks like your database is missing a field, the query below should address the problem, but notice that others may arise (a lot of fixes have been done in OJS and also the plugin).
ALTER TABLE `pln_deposits` ADD `export_deposit_error` VARCHAR(1000);
Jonas Raoni
Hi Jonas,
We followed your instruction and it works. Now I can see there are some issues. I wonder if the status “Unknown” is normal.
Best regards,
Yes, this status doesn’t exist on the new plugin, but it means the PKP PN didn’t start processing it yet, but I can confirm that we’ve received the deposits.
So, I’ll close this issue.
Jonas Raoni