Need more fields on article URLs

Describe the issue or problem
I am new to OJS, and I manage a magazine website that has been working under a custom development (no CMS based) website for the past years. Now we need to switch into OJS because a magazine index needs to work with metadata remotely, and here comes the issue:

Our current website article URLs show the following fields: Title (main language), Secondary title (secondary language), Abstract (main language), Abstratct (secondary language), Keywords (main language), and a field to download the article PDF.

However, after setting up OJS, I found that I can only attach a Title (one language), Keywords (one language) and Abstract (one language).

How can I add the rest of the fields that I need with them being on a correct format? Are custom fields supported only by certain templates that is not the default theme? We are not very worried about design because we will customize it lately with CSS, but we need the custom fields.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
I have been reading documentation and other posts but didnt found the best solution. I found some tricks to add custom code on some files, but im not sure if thats the best way to achieve this.

What application are you using?

Hi @Juasimeo,

You should be able to add all of the default fields in multiple languages. Please see our recommendations for how to go about that properly here:

As for custom fields, can you elaborate more on what you’re trying to include? Typically, the best way to deal with custom fields is through the use of a plugin - modifying the OJS core code to support additional fields is not recommended due to the downstream complications that it might lead to.

PKP Team

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