Need Index Copernicus Plugin for 3.4.0-7


Can you recommend an Index Copernicus Plugin for version OJS 3.4.0-7?


That is a third-party-developed plugin. There is an original plugin developed here: GitHub - a-vodka/ojs_copernicus_export_plugin: Plug-in allows to export article meta-data to Copernicus citation index

But that has not been updated in some time.

And, there has is also a plugin discussed here in relation to 3.3: Index Copernicus export plugin for OJS3.3.0.8 - #8 by Surojit_Bera

But that plugin has since disappeared from Github.

I don’t think this plugin for 3.4 exists, so far as I know.

PKP Team

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Thanks for the reply.

Index copernicus now accepts native ojs 3 xml format, no need for special plugin


Hi @open2source,

Thanks! :+1:

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