Need help with basic installation

Hello Forum! My name is Alan Brown and I am a professor at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven. Our IT Help desk has created space for me according to the system requirements to install OJS. They cannot, however, give me any assistance on getting the software installed or configured. I can probably do the last bit, but I need some help getting the OJS files uploaded and just some pointers. Can anyone provide some peer-to-peer support?

Hi @dradb,

If you’re comfortable posting your progress here, one of us should be able to help.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks so much for your reply. I am stuck from go. I have had the IT department configure my server space, I have the credentials, but I cannot seem to follow the installation documentation. They cannot provide me additional support because it doesn’t directly relate to student learning. I’m afraid that my department has no funds to contribute to hiring someone. I feel like I need some basic hand holding.

Hi @dradb,

If you can describe what step in the installation process you’re stuck in, I can provide some assistance here.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I am ashamed to say I am stuck at step 1. I have downloaded the OJS software and using WinSCP, I was able to extract the OJS software to my server. Now when I visit the URL for the server, I get to this blank page:

I don’t know what next step I have to do (what files I have to set up/change) in order for the software to be used.

Hi @dradb,

No shame necessary – that’s a common place to get stuck.

You’re most likely having a problem with file permissions; see this FAQ entry and e.g. this forum thread for more information.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team