In Order to import an Issue with the native XML Plugin i’ve modified the php configuration as following (via .htaccess)
php_value memory_limit 2048M
php_value upload_max_filesize 2048M
php_value post_max_size 2048M
(This by the way solved the export from very large Issues)
My OJS Version:
Server: Apache (All-Inkl)
PHP: PHP 7.2
When I drag and trop my XML in the Upload field it says: HTTP Error.
I am really not sure what I can do else to fix it.
The only I am getting in the logs are these two (not sure if related):
PHP Warning: Declaration of PKPUsageEventPlugin::getEnabled() should be compatible with LazyLoadPlugin::getEnabled($contextId = NULL) in *****/lib/pkp/plugins/generic/usageEvent/ on line 24
PHP Warning: Declaration of LensGalleyPlugin::register($category, $path) should be compatible with LazyLoadPlugin::register($category, $path, $mainContextId = NULL) in *****/plugins/generic/lensGalley/ on line 0