Native XML import sample OJS 3

Can someone please share sample of XML file that can be imported using native plugin? I need to import issues and articles.

I tried to export file and with two issues and 1 article each XML file 115mb. I cannot open it in a text editor. Not sure why this file is so large?


Hi @Taz,

I guess your file is so big as it contains the PDF, that can be very big.
However you can look at these links:


Regards, Primoz

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is there anyway to keep pdf files seperate?

For big files check

But you will still see the endless base64 files there so the links above are a good solution! (also see GitHub - ajnyga/tsvConverter: Excel to OJS3 XML conversion tool)

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You could use the “href” tag, instead of the “embed”, if you can make your PDFs available from a web server.

I was able to upload all the metadata along with the PDFs (embedded), and they all appear in the queue. When I publish, metadata are all there in the public UI, but not the PDF (I could see and view the PDF in the queue). I don’t know what I am doing right.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Taz,
Could you share how you are creating the xml plugin file for import?

I am also working on importing User and Articles.

I am able to import the user successfully but user can not login with the password I have given in xml file. I have to manually reset the password for user and then the user can login.

And I don’t understand base64 encoding while creating article import xml. Is it the encoding of entire Article(PDF) or just the path of the PDF file in my system.

It would be great if you can share your findings.

Thank you.