Native XML Import - Publication Locale Lost

OJS version 3.3.6

We are using the Native XML Import Plugin to upload back issues of a journal for the first time and have experienced a problem where our publication locale metadata is supplied but seems to get discarded during the import.

We have successfully validated each xml file prior to importing them.

Our problem was revealed when we tried to edit title metadata and deposit DOIs with Crossref. We got errors when we tried to do both of these tasks.

Exporting the issue xml revealed the locale publication attribute was empty.

We can fix this by applying the solution here [OJS] Crossref XML export outputting empty title metadata due to NULL locale · Issue #6897 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.

Is anyone importing xml without these prolbems? We are now thinking that we have made a mistake in our XML but I cannot spot it.

We also tried importing a sample issue from the documentation and the locale metadata wasn’t present when we exported this issue.