I have been working on a project for quite some time now, that tries to export Articles including their metadata, and all attached discussions and reviews to XML format for long time data storage.
I have had some conversations around this topic in the forum including:
The “solution” I have found that works for my project is an external python script, that prompts the XML export via command line, then directly accesses the database and opens the exported XML and enriches it with the reviews/discussions data. This works fine, as the Native XML exports all submission files, and I can refer to a submission file id when adding the discussions.
It’s crude but it works for what we need. I have planned to make it a proper plugin in the future.
Now when testing the script with OJS Version 3.4.0-3 I have encountered this message:
The export completed successfully.
Warnings encountered:
- The submission file 16 was skipped because it is attached to a record that will not be imported, such as a review assignment or discussion.
- The submission file 15 was skipped because it is attached to a record that will not be imported, such as a review assignment or discussion.
Which is problematic for my use case.
I can see the logic of omitting these files in an export that can’t otherwise use them, but for my specific usecase this is very bad.
Is there a way to “not skip” the submission files, from CLI? Maybe some kind of option?
Any other way to get these additional files exported?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Karl-Arnold Bodarwé