I managed to follow the error to specific XML elements. The first error is caused by <revision number="1" genre="Data Analysis"...> here:
<creator locale="en_US">Cledy Eliana dos Santos</creator>
<description locale="en_US">The aim of our study was to identify a feasible population-based method to estimate the number of people who would benefit from palliative care health services in a Brazilian population. From a series of estimations to get an idea of how many people may be in need of palliative care, it is possible to build a baseline for health system planning and palliative care needs in cancer and non-cancer patients.</description>
<revision number="1" genre="Data Analysis" filename="Artigo 3_International_Archives of Medicine_ 20 Março 2017.docx" viewable="true" date_uploaded="2017-03-21" date_modified="2017-03-21" filesize="80770" filetype="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" user_group_ref="Author" uploader="cledyeliana">
and the second error is caused by <revision number="1" genre="Other" filename="ARTICLE CORRET 22.03.docx"...> here:
Hmmm… There seem to be a problem with supplementary files. Would it be possible for you to somehow give me your exported XML? If you could figure out which article(s) that is/are, it would be enough to send me only those. Also, you could remove the base64 content and replace any sensible information with a default text. That would be great!
I think you’ve somehow mixed some newer code in with your OJS 3.1.2 installation; the permit_metadata_edit attribute/feature is not included in OJS 3.1.2 but it appears to be present in the PHP code that generates your export XML.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team