Hi @varshilmehta,
Check both your PHP error log and your browser’s Javascript console for errors. When you see a raw JSON message ({"status: true,
…) that usually means a Javascript error was displayed on the previous page.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
What about 1 and 2 problems? Are there no issues section on dashboard in 3.0.2?
Hi @varshilmehta,
If your current user doesn’t have a Journal Manager role, the Issues menu won’t appear.
Problems with uploads are likely to do with file permissions in the files_dir
(configured in config.inc.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am the Journal Manager. Still no issues

Hi @varshilmehta,
That shows that you’re the site administrator, but you might not be the journal manager.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
No, I am the Journal Manager. If you want, I can make you a journal manager for you to see the problem.

can some one tell me how I view my issues without having them in my dashboard. FYI generally Editors can also see the issue. However, here no editor is able to see it.
Kindly help. I am not able to manage my issues.
@bozana @ctgraham @asmecher
What happens if you manually add “/manageIssues” after “jmri” in the URL? That will help determine if it is a permissions problem or a display problem.
Next I would try clearing the Template and Data caches via the Administration menu. Look in the “cache” directory for files older than the time you cleared the cache. Were any not deleted and recreated as expected?
any chance that you have a ad blocker software enabled? This looks bit like the earlier problems with ad blockers.
Nope. I just upgraded to 3.0.2 from 3.0.1. 3.0.1 version had issues. This doesnt have
I do have lot of cache right now. I tried clearing them before, but it didnt have any effect
If your cache files are not being cleared when you use the “Clear Data Cache” and “Clear Template Cache” options, check your error log for details of why this is failing. A common cause is file permissions.
I was able to clean the cache. Now what should I do?
Does the “Issues” menu option remain hidden after clearing the template and data caches?
Yes. I am still not able to see it.