I just added a new journal on my existing OJS installation (now I have two hosted journals). However once I am directed to an individual journal page I cannot return back to the site home page (http://xx.xx.x.xxx/ojs/index.php/index/index) when i click on the home link. I am stuck within that journal. Is there anything I didn’t configure correctly.
Hi @Sherry ,
That’ll require a template modification. Edit templates/common/navbar.tpl and change…
<li id="home"><a href="{url page="index"}">{translate key="navigation.home"}</a></li>
<li id="home"><a href="{url journal="index" page="index"}">{translate key="navigation.home"}</a></li>
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks so much. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Hello Alec,
This might not be in line with the above asked question but it’s kinda related - I wanted to add a link in the nav bar that opens in a new tab, but i am not quite sure how to do that - i am a bit skeptical if it is even possible.
Hi @Sherry,
You’d need to edit the same template (templates/common/navbar.tpl) and add the following attribute to the <a>
elements you want to behave this way:
See this reference: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_target.asp
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We have the same problem now, with the last OJS. We cannot return back to the site home page. ¿How to remove the “Journal Redirect”?
Josu Aramberri