I would like to use advatages of GIT to manage updates of my exsisting OJS installation, or install a new one. Can anyone direct me to tutorial how that should be done?
Thank you,
I would like to use advatages of GIT to manage updates of my exsisting OJS installation, or install a new one. Can anyone direct me to tutorial how that should be done?
Thank you,
Hi @dijana,
There are tons of git tutorials online, and there are brief instructions on the OJS repository: GitHub - pkp/ojs: Open Journal Systems
If there’s anything specific you’re wondering about, feel free to ask!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I would like to manage the updates of my installed OJS 3.0. through GIT, because, if I understood it right, I may easily apply new patches and have control over any possible modifications to core files.
How do I connect my installation with GIT? Don’t know where to start…
Hi @dijana,
There are some good git GUI interfaces, but I haven’t used any of them so can’t give specific directions. A little bit of learning will be required in terms of how to think like git – this is unavoidable, I’m afraid, but might prove to be very useful general knowledge.
In our environment, we use the git
command-line tool. Once you’ve used it to clone a copy of OJS, your local copy will know how to talk with the github server e.g. if you want to fetch updates and cherry-pick them into your installation.
We use this kind of setup for our own hosting and it’s extremely useful when you want to keep up to date. We maintain stable branches just for that purpose.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team