I am using the latest version of Ojs.
Our magazine site is bilingual, Persian and English.
Recently, I have installed the most visited articles plugin.
This plugin works for us but has bugs.
On the English page of the site, the titles of the articles displayed in this plugin are displayed in Persian.
How can I solve this problem ?!
Please help.
Our site: http://jupa.journal.af/index.php/jupa

Hello @Aliakbar_Sajjadi,
The Most Read plugin does not have a Persian translation that it is equipped with. You (or someone) would have to provide one if you wish to have the plugin work in both English and Persian. You may wish to have a look at our translation documentation: PKP Translating Guide - and specifically, the information around translation for plugins: Localization for Developers. I’m sure the developer would welcome any translations that could be provided - the plugin has minimal text that would need to be translated and there are already some other languages that have been translated (see here: mostRead/locale at master · ajnyga/mostRead · GitHub)
Best regards,
Public Knowledge Project
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Hi Mr Sajjadi. if you have activated Persian lang in OJS, you should enter the English tittle using changing language in metadata (before saving). can you send me your url to check in yahoo.
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