Hi all!,
We’re running OJS and recently we’ve got installed a SSL certificate for our journal site (https://aldizkaria.ankulegi.org/index.php/ankulegi).
Https works fine on the home page, but not on the article pages. According to https://www.whynopadlock.com/check.php (a fine online free tool for searching for culprits, BTW), there is a couple of modules that are preventing us from finishing the process successfully:
Piwik connector. In the ‘Settings’ page, we tried to update Piwik URL to “https://…”, but as we got an error (“Please enter a valid url. Include http:// at the start”), we had to disable the tool.
AddThis. Here, the unsecure URL is the button’s one (http://s7.addthis.com/static/btn/lg-share-es.gif). We couldn’t find how to change that, so we disabled the tool, but the green padlock still is missing!!
Any help would be much appreciated. Kind regards,