Modifying reviewer comments

Hello, we have a journal running on OJS 3.3 that utilizes a review form. In the case of submissions that require a second review round, the editors would like to be able to modify the reviewer’s initial feedback/comments before notifying the author of the decision to revise and resubmit the article.

The rationale for modifying the feedback is that some feedback may include typographical/grammatical errors, issues of clarity, or even condescending remarks that are neither constructive or professional, despite the journal’s clearly stated policies for reviewers to provide feedback aimed at elevating the dignity of authors to ultimately help them become better writers.

Currently, when the editor sends the email to the editors notifying them of the decision to revise and resubmit the article, the feedback from the form is automatically included in the email. Is there a way to modify reviewer feedback before such an email is disseminated?

Hi @nwojcik:

There is no way to modify/update the reviewers’ comments, that information goes directly to the database, and allowing to update the reviewers’ comments could represent a problem of veracity in the review or a possible conflict of interest.

What you can do, however, is to customize the content of the email when importing reviewer comments, look

With the original comments:

With the modification of the comments in the body of the email

I hope you find this information useful