Hi! Upgrading OJS i have an issue with meta info. There are missing…
I upgrade from the linux console and it works but with this problem.
Someone knows whats is happend?
Hi! Upgrading OJS i have an issue with meta info. There are missing…
I upgrade from the linux console and it works but with this problem.
Someone knows whats is happend?
Hi @julietavuan,
Can you describe in more detail what’s missing? Screenshots might be helpful.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
HI Alec! This is what i’m talking about. As you can see, all the scripts and meta are missing…
Can you help me?
Hi @julietavuan,
Are you sure the upgrade completed successfully? One of the last upgrade steps is to enable the default theme plugin, and it looks as though that didn’t happen.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, sorry for not answering before. I try to fix de error on the upgrade but i couldn’t. I send some screenshots to show what is happening on my console.
The mistakes are all in lib/pkp/classes/db/DAO but is something that i never change.
What can i do?
Hi @julietavuan,
The unserialize
suggest that you’ve either upgraded your PHP version significantly or changed servers to a new one with a different PHP version. Unfortunately PHP sometimes changes some of its internal data formats, and that appears to be the problem here. These are just warnings and won’t stop the upgrade from completing, but you’ll need to review your journal settings to ensure there isn’t anything missing.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, i’m using:
Hi @julietavuan,
That should work just fine – however, if you’re receiving unserialize
warnings in your database, then it means that some of your data was stored there by a version of PHP that was probably considerably older and somewhat incompatible. After the upgrade, review your journal settings to ensure everything is as expected and re-save the forms; this should cause the warnings to go away.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher.
I’m with the same problem and I’m using:
I didn’t understand when you suggested to do this:
“… After the upgrade, review your journal settings to ensure everything is as expected and re-save the forms; this should cause the warnings to go away.”
Could you splain with more details?
Hi @murilodbva,
This thread contains a few issues – which are you experiencing?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I’m working with @murilodbva on this upgrade.
The issue was posted on this topic: OJS Upgrade failed to 3.0.0
We are trying to upgrade the database. We have tried to perform the code upgrade in a local machine with - PHP 5.6.25 and - Apache/2.4.18
Hi all,
Then you’re referring to the unserialize
In some detail: settings in OJS (site settings, journal settings, etc.) are usually stored as strings (like the journal name) or numbers (the number of weeks a typical review is supposed to take). A few are a little more complex than those would permit, and these are stored as objects – the submission checklist, journal logo, and a few others.
In order to get these object data types stored in the database, OJS serializes them into a string. Then, when they’re needed, they’re unserialized to reverse the process.
Unfortunately PHP’s serialize
/ unserialize
functions have had a few changes over their history where an object serialized with one version of PHP can’t be unserialized with another version, and warnings like the ones you quote are the result.
If you review your journal settings to ensure that they’re correct (checking in particular settings like the submission checklist, journal images, etc), then re-save those settings forms, then the old values will be overwritten and the warnings will go away.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher ,
our server is running PHP 5.2.9.
At local machine we have PHP 5.6.25.
Based on your last post, I’m thinking to run the old version of OJS inside my local machine and see whats hapens with the database.
Can it fix the database about serialization?
(I’ll try tomorrow)
Also, for the unserialize()
warning, be sure your datebase_charset and connection_charset in config.inc.php haven’t changed in the the upgrade. I had a 2.4.8-1 journal with “utf8” specified for both, but I left my 3.0 upgrade settings as “none”. I saw unserialize()
warnings on the display of UTF8 journal settings until correcting the config.inc.php settings.