Missing scroll bar in OJS 3.3

OJS 3.3.0-7, multi-journal

In OJS 3.2, we have a scroll bar at the list of journals (at the dashboard). This is missing in 3.3. Because we have more journals than will fit on the screen, it is not possible for us to select each journal. The lower ones fall by the wayside in this regard. Can you add the scroll bar in 3.3 as well?

Hi @ugp2,

Are you able to provide a screenshot - so we can be clear on the issue you are experiencing?

PKP Team


Hi @ugp2,

Thanks the screenshot. There is another post that identifies this issue here: [] Journals list menu not scrolling properly when there are too many hosted journals - and in it our developer links to an open issue here: Can't access all journals from dropdown when exceeds viewport height · Issue #7052 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. So the issue has been identified, but we don’t have for it in the future once we are able to complete the development work necessary to address it.

PKP Team

@ugp2 We have 34+ journals in OJS and also miss the journal list scrollbar. You can scroll through the entire list of journals by opening the list of journals in the Dashboard, then use the scroll bar at the far right of the OJS window. You have to scroll for a bit before you will move down the list, but it does work.

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