Missing menu strings after upgrading to 3.1

Locales are in the right place, and they have the right permissions and the right translation, but OJS don’t show es_ES navigation menu strings (ie: navigation.about).

If I visit the new translation tool, looks like in the database the translation is “navigation.about” instead of the “Acerca de”.

Demo site: http://revistes.uab.cat:8082/nuevasdeindias/

So first questions is: In OJS 3.1, is there a way to force a locale reload?

Translation was fine in OJS 3.0.2 so, looks like the problem could be related with navigation.menus being now a plugin with a new locale file, isn’t it? I will check it tomorrow.


Hi @marc,

There is an issue with all menu items not being translated in 3.1. Please see Navigation Menus - not all default NMIs get translated upon install/upgrade · Issue #2987 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for more information.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks @astevens :ok_hand:

Long time ago, with @mtub and @asmecher we talk about this, but I don’t remember the conclusion… What about falling back to English if the string is not translated in the active locale?

It will make interface usable, and we won’t dirt the DB (and the counting) with wrong chains…

Please, let me know if you want me to open a “feature request” in this forum or a github issue.


Hi @marc,

There was a plugin written to add English-language fallback behavior – see GitHub - pkp/defaultTranslation: This plugin displays English translation if the current UI language translation doesn't exist. – but it’ll probably need some minor work to bring it up to the OJS 3.x codebase level.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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