I’m using OJS (still no on production) . I upgraded from version 2.4.7 to in September 2019. All of the issues till September 2019 are showing with all of the articles. But the issues after September 2019 are shown but without articles.
The articles and issues after September 2019 were copied manually, because we are using still the old version for publishing.

Hi @Dimas_Mkd,
How did you manually copy the articles and issues after September 2019?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m comparing the tables from the database, and copying the missing entires in the new database.
Affected tables: ISSUES, ARTICLES and few others
Hi @Dimas_Mkd,
That’s probably where the problem is being introduced; I don’t recommend working with the database manually. What’s probably happening is that you’re missing corresponding entries in the publications
table. This table is new to OJS 3.2.0.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I partially solved the problem by copying the missing entries in the published_submissions table in the database. Here is an image how the admin panel (back issues) look now:

but in the website itself still the problem persist. I have two problems:
The issues are not ordered by date like before.

The issues are empty - no articles showed
(Can you help me how the routing request is working? Which API call is responsible for the fetching of articles in one issue?)
Hi @Dimas_Mkd,
See e.g. Request Lifecycle - Technical Documentation - OJS|OMP|OPS (and the link about routes on that page).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team