I’ve migrated some journals from OJS 2.4.8 to OJS 2.1.2 and all the journal favicons are missed.
I’ve checked the database and the FS finding that the records with setting_name = ‘journalFavicon’ and the images are present.
Those are kept in the public directory of the OJS installation in both OJS2 and OJS3. When upgrading, you need to copy that directory’s contents across yourself.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher,
the icons are present on the FS inside the ‘public’ directory. I’ve already checked that.
I’ve found another thing (but I don’t know if it can be useful); inside the method ‘getLocalizedFavicon’ of ‘classes/journal/Journal.inc.php’ there is the following instruction: $faviconArray = $this->getSetting('favicon');
‘getSetting’ search for ‘favicon’, not for ‘journalFavicon’ (the setting_name I have inside the ‘journal_settings’ table of OJS3).