I can’t seem to find any postings on this subject, so I’m posting as a question. If others agree, it might deserve being a feature request.
After registering a decision of “Resubmit for review,” the review status becomes “Round 1 Status: Submission has been resubmitted for review.” This is misleading because at this stage exactly the opposite is true - we are waiting for the author to resubmit, which has not happened yet. In other words, it has not been resubmitted for review.
It seems to me that the correct status text would be something like “Round 1 Status: Resubmission has been requested.”
Has this been addressed and do others agree this should be changed?
I agree this. In my view, resubmit is unnecessary. And when you make resubmit decision, one the screen of active list, the status stays in “review”. This is quite confusing.
So, why not change resubmit to Major revision.
Is there maybe already a revision for that submission?
Because, when looking in the code, s. pkp-lib/ReviewRound.inc.php at ojs-stable-3_1_1 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub if the editor selected that decision and there is no revision uploaded, the message with the key = editor.submission.roundStatus.resubmitForReview i.e. “The submission must be resubmitted for another review round.” is displayed. If a revision is uploaded, the message with the key = editor.submission.roundStatus.submissionResubmitted i.e. “Submission has been resubmitted for another review round.” will be displayed.