Good Morning, I have been researching different methods of migrating multiple instances of an OJS servers to an Single hosted OJS. I came across this wonderful plugin called. GitHub - lepidus/fullJournalTransfer: OJS plugin for importing/exporting a journal with all its private information (e.g. submitted articles, reviews, editorial decisions, etc.)
This was exactly what I was looking for.
This plugin seems to export the Journal into a great tar file. My problem arises when I tried to import the Journal into the new instance.
I get this error.
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/fullJournalImportExport//journal.xml’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/graphics/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/issues/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/LPCRC-logo-transp-small.png’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/articles/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojsr/files/journals/1/articles/76/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/articles/76/submission/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/articles/76/submission/review/’
tar: Removing leading ‘/’ from ‘/ojs/www/ojs/files/journals/1/articles/76/submission/review/76-347-1-RV.doc’
ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Cannot use a scalar value as an array
In file: /ojs/www/ojs/plugins/importexport/fullJournalTransfer/
At line: 249
Server info:
PHP Version: 5.3.29
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysql
DB server version: 5.1.37
Journal has been imported successfully.
When I look inside the OJS, the imported Journal is not there.
Any feed back would be appreciated. I tried this exercise in Solaris 11 and Ubuntu 14.10