Migrate themes from OJS 2.4.8-1 to OJS 3

I’m in the process to migrate our server with 4 journal from OJS 2.4.8-1 to OJS 3.
I’ve followed the instruction download and install Full Package.
But I’m unable to migrate the themes that journal used.
How can I do that ?
I ve tried to copy my old themes from the old installation it’s not working
I ve tried uplaod my old themes from the old installation it’s not working
I ve got the following error

PHP Fatal error: Class XXXXThemePlugin contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (ThemePlugin::init) /ojs-3.1.1/plugins/themes/XXXXTheme/XXXXTheme.inc.php on line 31, referer: https://revues-v3-travail.cirad.fr/index.php/index/admin/settings

Thank you in advance
Best regards

Hi @tdolley,

OJS 2.x themes won’t work with OJS 3.x – if this is something you wrote, you’ll have to adapt your CSS to the new theming structures in OJS. (See the PKP Theming Guide.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hola, me podrías ayudar estoy iniciando en ojs… Cual versión me recomendarías usar