Hello people,
I have install OJS at version 3 and already had installed OJS version 2. Now, we need migrate all data on old database to new database.
Here, we can’t upgrade because the old version is corrupted.
Someone has some ideia how to do this?
Hi @marcaosi,
This is a tough question to answer in general. Can you describe how the OJS 2.x database is corrupted?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
At truthy, I don’t know. Before wasn’t working the protocol OAI. Then we solve do the update, but didn’t work, so we had install the new version. Now we need migrate the data.
Hi @marcaosi,
Do you have a backup of the old version before you ran the upgrade? How did the upgrade fail?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team