I have ojs version 3.4.0 and menu button is not openning on clicking on it and I’m using default theme of ojs
that is url of my website
Hi @Rashid_jiess,
I see that you have posted about this here: Menu button is not working in mobile
Do not post duplicate posts here on the forum. Please limit your posts to one topic per post.
Where are you clicking on your menu to produce the error you are seeing?
PKP team
Sorry for disturbance
On desktop menu is working properly but in mobile the menu button is showing but on clicking on it the menu does not open
Hi @Rashid_jiess,
Thanks for clarifying - I see what you mean. And you haven’t modified the theme files in anyway?
PKP Team
Hi @Rashid_jiess,
Yes - I know that. But what I mean is you have not modified the code of the default theme in any way - can you verify?
PKP Team
I add code for custom footer and a stylesheet for designing of my website but in start when i just installed ojs at that the menu button was not working. Mean at the start of work I’m facing this issue.
And plz tell me the solution for it bcz I’m too much confused about that