Hi everyone,
I was wondering if memcache is currently working in OJS 3.0.2. I noticed in another thread that it hadn’t been tested at the time, and was wondering if that was still the case. We’re thinking of enabling it in our OJS instances, but don’t want to do so if it might cause problems.
Hi @kaitlin,
It hasn’t been used/tested for some time, even in the OJS 2.4.x branch. I looked a while ago at replacing our entire caching structure with a 3rd-party library such as Stash, but it’s a low priority – there’s lots of low-hanging fruit for OJS optimization (such as SQL improvements) before it comes to overhauling caching. If you’re having performance problems, please let us know what they look like; if you’re just tinkering, I’d suggest avoiding Memcache, at least for now.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Just tinkering at this point. Thanks @asmecher!