Mandatory fields country and affiliation

Hello everyone…

I am using OJS 3.1 and I need this data (country and affiliation) to be objectionable for users since Scielo and other catalogs request it.

it’s possible?

I thank you for the help.

Hi @David_Alarcon_davidy,

Do you want these fields to be required on the user registration form or on the author submission form?

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi! @astevens

Thanks for answering…

The “country” is mandatory in the submission form but “affiliation” is also necessary. The affiliation is a data that the Scielo catalog asks for.

Is it possible to make “membership” mandatory?

Hi @Jose_David_Alarcon_A,

This topic on the forum explains how to make the Affiliation field mandatory for authors.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thank you very much @astevens!

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Hi everyone,

I hope it’s okay to bump this up, but what about requiring affiliation for reviewers?