Making Meta Tags in Article Details Page Compatible with Crossmark

I would like to thank the development team for the new features provided by OJS 3.2. With the introduction of versioning, I applied Crossref in order to get Crossmark service and I am trying to provide the necessary conditions to use this service.
One of these rules is to insert the meta tags concerning article’s doi in that form:

<meta name=”dc.identifier” content=”doi:10.5555/12345678”/>

Crossmark Guide

When I look into the HTML of an article details page, the generated metatags are like the following;

<meta name="citation_doi" content="10.17986/blm.2020.v25i.1402">		
<meta name="dc.identifier" content="10.17986/blm.2020.v25i.1402">	
<meta name="DC.Identifier.DOI" content="10.17986/blm.2020.v25i.1402">

All of them are similar, but with small differences. I have no idea whether this format difference will cause any trouble while implementing Crossmark functionality, but I think probably it will. Murphy’s rules always apply.
Which files should I modify to get the correct metatag for Crossmark?


Hi @drugurkocak,

I’d suggest checking with CrossRef about whether the difference between doi:xxx and xxx is relevant in the dc.identifier tag. I’ve seen both forms used and would suspect that either will be picked up.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team