Mail template doesn't load "Review request" / "Gutachteranfrage"

Describe the issue or problem
When in the workflow a reviewer is requested, the mail template for “Reviewer request” does not load initally. In the predefined messages to use, one has to load “Review request subsequent”, then again “Review request”. Then the template loads.
See attached screenshot.

Current workaround
Switch forth and back between “Review request subsequent” and “Review request” to load template.

What application are you using?
OJS 3.4.0-5

Additional information

Additional information: Observed behavior is irrespective of GUI language and whether “Suggested Reviewers” plugin is enabled or not.

Seems to be solved with OJS 3.4.0-7. In addition, a lot of translations in locale/de/emails.po were missing (I have added the ones for the review stage).

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