Lucene Plugin: Search does not work if the articles are more


After a great difficulty i have indexed 300 journals, containing more than 40,000 articles.

When i perform search operation(site search/journal search) its just does not work. taking long time and getting terminated as.

The requested URL could not be retrieved

Could you please help me in this regards.

Please find the configuration details

OJS (i have applied all recommended patches available for this version)
java version “1.6.0_27”
harddisk size is 500GB(only 80GB utilized)
max execution time is 60


Hi @haq

It is very hard to tell so what could be the problem :frowning:
This is definitely one of the biggest/largest data – I worked only with a small number of journals per installation.
Hmmm… Maybe to:
– try to use jetty 6.1.26 as in README
– check the Solr index – if it contains the right data
– try to increase the max execution time
– check if Solr is running
– try to debug where the problem actually occurs

Sorry :frowning: