The Bootstrap theme is only intended as a base for development. It only implements the basic Bootstrap 3 components, with the intention that a developer will then do some of the final work to turn it into a proper theme. The logo in Bootstrap’s nav area is very small because the framework is designed for mobile-friendly apps, so you’ll need some additional styles if you’d like to use a large logo on the page.
Here’s some quick CSS code that demonstrates one way you could make a larger logo for larger screens:
The problem you’re describing isn’t related to this thread. Try searching the forum for that message first; there are other threads describing the problem and its solutions.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank for your reply. I try make a CSS file but can’t upload. Now i want change a banner on header, not only color and add more block HTML on the index page. But i don’t know where the file i must edit.
Por favor me puedes ayudar.
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Quiero que la imagen de mi logo aparezca a lo largo y ancho del banner superior. Subí tu código.