Login As function removed for non super-user?

Describe the issue or problem
It looks like Journal Manager/Editor no longer has access to the very useful Login As function? I no longer see it as an option when expanding the little triangle.

Is this intentional?

What application are you using?
For example, OJS


When you go to Users & Roles → what do you see as the permission level for this role in your journal? Is it set to “Journal Manager”. For example:

PKP Team


This could also be caused by the user who will be “logged in as” having more registrations in other journals compared to the JM user/editor used.

JM and JE both have JM level.

Interesting… I have made sure there was only one role and one registration for the user to be logged in as, and it’s still the same. The JM does not have the option to login as, only the OJS Administrator can do it.

Other strange things happened with this upgrade ( → Multiple Section Eds were removed from various journals and were replaced with one Copyeditor who was previously not assigned to any of the journals. So all article submission notifications went to a CE, and not the SEs. This had to be fixed manually.

I managed to fix the problem by removing Journal Editor role from all users and making sure they only have JM role. When they have JE, they seem to lose Login As functionality.