The setup we have is for multiple journals, so we want to change the default favicon in OJS3, however we want to use a PNG file instead of the ICO file. Where can we find the directive to change the default favicon?
Thank you so much for any help!
The setup we have is for multiple journals, so we want to change the default favicon in OJS3, however we want to use a PNG file instead of the ICO file. Where can we find the directive to change the default favicon?
Thank you so much for any help!
Hmmm… I think that there is currently no such place, for the favicon for the index site, but I will double check… – For journals you would use the favicon upload possibility on the page Settings > Website > Appearance.
Maybe to use .ico and upload it in the OJS folder, so that apache handles it?
I think that you can upload the default favicon to the installation root:
But I do not know how it would support png.
Thanks @bozana and @ajnyga! I do have access to a favicon in ico format. I actually wanted to try using PNG, because the files are usually smaller and easier to manage. I will look into how Apache calls the favicon. It never struck me that it was not controlled by PHP!
However, I am aware of the ability to upload the same for individual journals. If I have any luck I will definitely keep you posted.