Loading Issue When Submitting paper

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Hi.I have some issue regarding the loading after submitting the paper. This will cause trouble for reviewer who does not have expertise on using OJS System. The loading trouble happens after the user click submit and the page is loading. The user must refresh the page and the section change to the next section. If not, the page will constantly stuck in loading page. Please help me to solve this issue. My institute journal URL is https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my/. Thank you.

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can you confirm the email function is working?

you can test email by sending email to a user in user & roles, click the triangle and email the user.

is there any php fatal error smtp fail error in the log?

Hi there. Thank you for your response. Yes the email is working well. Just after submitting paper the page is loading. But after refreshing the page, it changed to the next section. Here I attached the fatal error for your review. Thank you.

you need to access the server to view the php fatal error log. The IT department or publisher office handle it? Something like this.

AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:

I see. I’m the PIC for OJS but I don’t have technical expertise on this matter. Can we get help from PKP instead ?

If you dont have the access to the server, they cannot troubleshot the error.

There must be someone from the it department or the publisher office know about server.

It must be build by someone.


Does the link above go to somewhere when you access from inside university network?

Actually, I’m just continuing what their past Staff doing. But that staff doesn’t leave a guide or anything to me to refer. https://ejournal.upsi.edu.my:10000 the link that you mentioned cannot be access. Is there anything else that I can do in order to access the server ?

Your it department for sure have access to the server.

If you have access to the server, be sure to make backup for the database, files folder and ojs core file esspeacially public file folder… do not troubleshoot in your live server… only find the php error.

Deploy your backup to your computer and run it from there. If your goverment supply computer is 10 years old, good luck. Troubleshoot on the backup first. Not the live server.

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